Ch Saltydog’s Kenna at Calibre JH AADC AGDC AgNS AgNJS JT ATD DJ VA CW-SP CW-ScR1 CW-SD

Kenna is our first breeding female, and we couldn’t be prouder of what a beautiful and talented lady she has turned into. She was a handful from the moment we got her. Once we started working with her and training her, Kenna’s focus was unmatched. Anytime Naomi enters a ring with her, Kenna gives her 100%. She achieved a Versatility Advanced Title before the age of 3. 

She is also a sweetheart who loves to cuddle. Kenna has a nice off-switch in the house. 

Kenna is titled in:

  • Conformation
  • Hunt
  • Agility
  • Dock Diving
  • Scent
  • Trick Work